
Want to Ask-for-Salvation: open your Mind and free your Spirit

Good Day brothers and sisters, if today there’s reason to Ask-for-Salvation, open your Mind and free your Spirit. Allow today’s word to heal a Hurt, mend a Malice or change a Mindset. Our Lord has paid a mighty price for every Transformation yet His Treasures never end. Each...
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Together our Hope is a Foundation-for-Life

Since inception, our journey into Scripture has incited many to make amends with the Holy One; His Living Words are timeless Streaks-of-Light taking root in real time. Our Lord has filled this flock with Passion and zeal for Life. The Trinity is careful not to overwhel...
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Feel Prompted into Service: Bear-Your-Cross, but Share-her-Blessings.

This year witness our Lord’s massive support system; an enormous community of Angels, Saints and Servants of the Most-High-God. Their works are Immeasurable and Immaculate as the Spirit who grants their Provision-of-Faith. Endless Accounts-of-Salvation occur each day, some are...
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Free-Will is granted to all Creation

The Holy One is looking for an opportunity to serve You; His light is bright and everlasting. Our Lord can put to rest the past, overcome inequity and restore what’s been broken. Mending barriers has never been so easy almost effortlessly His Will be Done. However; Free-Will is...
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Humbled-Souls Live and Act According to Wisdom

Live, Love and Look for your personal Life-Line this year. In this world, individuals matter if they follow the Law, Work and pay Taxes. But in our Lord’s Kingdom life screening begins with Awareness-of-God; His Living Words combine Reason with Faith to employ...
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True Meaning begets God-in-Heaven

Spiritual-Sanctifications to all who seek Wisdom; every Strand-of Hope gives rise to a better World. Divinity, in a sense, gives us Joy; each Mystery comes and goes to have or behold a new You. Once Vigor is established it takes time to develop. Our Lord advanced a Force-in-Faith...
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