
There’s a Trace-of-Honey in Everyone

Love and the Leery-Listener struggle to Keep-in-Touch. There’s a Trace-of-Honey in everyone. Sweet-Jesus keeps His converts close and opposition troubled. Our Lord never constrains or coerces people with Gospel, He moves them. The Health and Welfare of Humanity are His strength;...
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Meaningful Apologetics are Tenured-in-Forgiveness

Some days each segment of Truth is quite a task, but our Mission remains the same. Seek new and revised Methods-of-Evangelization. Meaningful apologetics are tendered by the Holy-Spirit to have and behold those Tenured-in-Forgiveness. There are many forms of Pardon. All parties...
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Blossom this Lenten-Season: follow the journey of Christ-our-Savior

Empowering Spiritual-Motives are wholesome, Creation benefits from our best persona, allow them to blossom this Lenten-Season. Practicing Christians come together giving Alms and Fasting; we share the Mystical journey of Christ-our-Savior during lent. Sharing scripture leads to...
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Grasp-the-Light Traversing our Natural-Environment

Rejoice-World, God is protecting us from Evil and offers New-Life; each day millions of Believers petition our Lord for Salvation-from-Menace. This year  the Most-High-Trinity is awarding Distinguished members of the Church with Renowned-Reward. Prayers for Harmony, Courage and...
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Factions-of-Faithful Stir-Up Waves-of-Salvation

Craving the Crumbs from the Table, a Sea-Breeze or Wind through the Trees? A very wise woman once spoke out in Faith-to-Christ; she desired healing for her child. Do you or your Friends or Relatives or Province need healing? Mother-Mary can intercede for us all, she’s been known...
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Create What this World-Needs-Now

The only one who can Truly understand The Father is the Son, but we’re able to appreciate the meaning of Love; both Spiritual and Carnal creatures make up our Church. Christ Trusted every morsel of God’s word. He developed a New-Way of Sharing and Caring for all Creation; our...
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Having Seconds Thoughts: partner with God

Having seconds thoughts? What is taking place in your mind; still stuck in senseless activities or motive? Our Lord was adamant about making the right decision. He often prayed fearlessly into the environment where All-Creation stood in silence. Hours in Solitude are...
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