Divine Intervention timed just right can bring a Smile and Joy to our Face. Sacred signs deliver folks from Evil and keep them Safe-from-Sin, but the Holy-One keeps them Soaring. Rising above the Blues are millions of Starburst-Sensations; our Lord specialized in Touching,...
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Live, Love and Learn the Amazing Power of God

There is no substitute for the Healing-Power-of-God; His abundant Grace is reassuring. In pain there is Relief, in stormy seas— Stillness and in grief— Strength to persevere in Jesus Name. Christ liberates people from Suspicion, Fear and Folly by calming their soul with Divinity....
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His Living Word is Savory Signs of Hope

Jolly journeys Friends-and-Neighbors together we can Furnish, Transport and Deliver the saving Word-of-God. The ability to supply new forms of Enlightenment has erupted into savory Signs-of-Hope; trigger positive sentiment rather negative quirks is our Mojo. Few can convey Charm...
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Churchgoers Prospect the Skyline-to-Divinity; join them!

There’s an overwhelming bit of informative remedies being ushered in this Easter-Season; each revealing how Far-and-Wide God has opened His Kingdom-on-Earth. He has set strategic forces along the Horizon armed with Peace, Love and Doctrines. We’ve been shelling out Salvation...
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Rightous Pods-of-Purpose Mix with Love and Grace

  Blessings ladies and gentlemen of the Most-High God; may the fruits of our labor Unite and Electrify sound followers of Christ. Sacred doctrine resulted from our Lord’s communication with people. Those who chose to Receive, Interpret and Journal His Living Words rely on...
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Dear Neighbors: Connect-and-Cultivate Transformative-Action

Have a Blessed day and a safe Easter journey this year; post Passover is a special time of year to Send out Hope, nourish the Needy and savor the Spirit-of-Revival. Lord knows there’s Mountains-to-Move and Souls-to-Save, but expects all His followers to Feed-His-Sheep. If you...
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Jesus Eclipsed Society and the Religious-Elite

Rejoice! All who’ve Resurrected in The Christ our Lord and King; may His Goodness and Beauty overflow through You! In honor of His Paschal celebration let’s journey into a copy of Pilgrims Guide; a Cursillo (workshop) into Christianity. Our message today is to, “ask the Holy...
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