We Exist to Build the Kingdom

The Kingdom-of-Christ was built on a firm foundation, its builders were dedicated, driven and despised by societies that would not believe that Jesus was the Mesiah. Our Lord founded a Culture-of-Divinity that dedicated their lives to building out our Lord’s church....
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Are Your Petitions Fully Charged?

Our Lord loves when our prayers are honest, forthright and fully engaged with His Living Words; truthful words stand out to God who occupies all time and space. Being honest can be challenging for everyone under the Sun, what used to be straightforward is now clouded by...
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Shaken but Not Broke

God knew it would take a few slight to severe Stomps to reach the core of our existence where His Living Words could ferment New-Life. God’s Love is the reason why our sinful actions must be accounted for and laid to rest; His Love will not Function-in-Folly or Freaky...
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