Can Society Except and Forgive Repeated Plights-of-Madness?
Lord knows we try to Except and Forgive despite repeated Plights-of-Madness by Devilish-Type. Petty Enigmas are used to capture Revenge and summon Hate lurking outside the Body-of-Christ. Last week my eldest, was followed by an Oakland California Police vehicle and eventually pulled over; sequentially his vehicle and person were searched for supposedly running a Stop-Sign on the way home after work.
Next he was taken to jail and interrogated for suspicion of Sales and Manufacturing-of-Drugs. The arresting officer confiscated two-hundred dollars, his cell phone (my Christmas gift) and a ¼ oz. of a controlled substance. My Son, who suffers from his Old-Man’s-Folly was later released without charges from a local Hospital where he was taken after falling ill due to repeated interrogation less his monies and phone. Please Pray with me for public service Transparency and a Shower-of-Salvation for all those behind Profiling; Lord knows Public-Officials know what is Right, but choose what is customary in their own Corrupt-Society.
“This was John’s testimony when the Jewish leaders sent priests and Temple assistants from Jerusalem to ask John, “Who are you?” He came right out and said, “I am not the Messiah.” “Well then, who are you?” they asked. “Are you Elijah?” “No,” he replied. “Are you the Prophet we are expecting?” “No.”
“Then who are you? We need an answer for those who sent us. What do you have to say about yourself?” John replied in the words of the prophet Isaiah:
“I am a voice shouting in the wilderness, ‘Clear the way for the Lord-is-Coming!” (John 1:19-23 NLT)
If you’ve been following current Waves-of-Insanity moving about this Planet, chances are this Message is nothing new. Rather, just a Sign-of-Life outside of God’s-Grace; it seems no matter how much Society lets go there’s always more piling-up. Dear Parishioners, Take-Heart for the Life you seek is not this side of Heaven but a Revelation-in-Times to come.