His-Living-Way is a Lifetime Challenge
Finding it hard to stay in Tune? Are Global headiness filled with Sanctions, Scandal and Strife? Our Lord recommended Fasting, Forgiving and Forgetting what has happened in the past; while Praying fervently each day for Prosperity, Peace and Harmony. The world churns reluctantly on its way to Redemption; unsolved social conflicts never end they only resurface in different forms. If Christ asked Global-Leader’s, why they’re persecuting Him would they answer; who are you? Ignorance used to be an answer, yet our Lord continues to let them be.
Jesus also told them other parables. He said, “The Kingdom of Heaven can be illustrated by the story of a king who prepared a great wedding feast for his son. When the banquet was ready, he sent his servants to notify those who were invited. But they all refused to come! “So he sent other servants to tell them, ‘The feast has been prepared. The bulls and fattened cattle have been killed, and everything is ready. Come to the banquet!’
But the guests he had invited ignored them and went their own way, one to his farm, another to his business. Others seized his messengers and insulted them and killed them. The king was furious, and he sent out his army to destroy the murderers and burn their town. And he said to his servants, ‘The wedding feast is ready, and the guests I invited aren’t worthy of the honor. Now go out to the street corners and invite everyone you see.’ So the servants brought in everyone they could find, good and bad alike, and the banquet hall was filled with guests. (Matthew 22:1-10 NLT)
His-Living-Way is the challenge of a lifetime. Nobody knows the Truth like you, outside of God many pursue Everything, in search of Happiness, but live in Discontent. Our invitation is to thrive as One-Body with God, Christ and His Spirit-in-Law. Together, they offer Integration, Liberation and Salvation to cold hearted clans; new factions are parting ways with certain Traditions for good reason. It won’t help to Silence-the-Messenger’s, our Lord’s a multitude Compounding, Illuminating and Multiplying for the Good of All-Creation.