The Trailblazing Trinity at Work
All three attributes of God can be found in One-Repenting-Soul or Millions-of-Believers; together they make our innermost convictions come True; that is why our Lord left us the promise of His Spirit. Jesus took His place in the Trinity so His Spirt would descend to Earth and take seed in the human soul. That seed lay dormant until God’s mystical moment has arrived. United, the Tribunal-of-God sets the soul ablaze with LOVE; next the person is graciously humbled to except Life, Obedience, Vision and Eternity with God in heaven.
Anyone can receive His Holy Spirit and Believe the Trinity can forgive any past shortcomings. Life begins when His Living Words take root. The Holy One will provide the Way, Truth, and Light to abide in Wisdom; our Lord’s vision for everybody is perfect in every way, it is the Nucleus-of-Salvation. We are free to explore the Way in which to continue in Christ. Christ’s Truth is illuminated through people, nature, plants, animals and mystical awakenings among others. For God is boundless and abundant in every way!
You would be in the right, O Lord, if I should dispute with you; even so, I must lay out the case against you. Why does the way of the wicked prosper, why do all the treacherous live in contentment?
You planted them; they have taken root they flourish and bear fruit as well. You are upon their lips, but far from their thoughts.
Lord, you know me, you see me, you have found that my heart is with you.
Pick them out like sheep for the butcher, set them apart for the day of slaughter.
How long must the land mourn, the grass of the whole countryside wither?
Because of the wickedness of those who dwell in its beasts and birds disappear,
for they say, “God does not care about our future.”
If running against men has wearied you, how will you race against horses? And if you are safe only on a level stretch, what will you do in the jungle of the Jordan? Your kindred and your father’s house, even they betray you; they have recruited a force against you. Do not believe them, even when they speak fair words to you (Jeramiah 12:1-6 NABRE)
Ironically the Scripture passage unveils what has become the norm in society. Do not worry, our Lord has overcome this World, Jesus is present because He Cares about our future. His overall plan will shift in favor, at that moment where will you heart be? It takes courage to be Faithful, Persistent and Patient in accordance with God’s will; remain faithful as Christ remains authentic to you. Consistent prayer is food for the soul and society; patience is its vitality.