God’s People become Move-in-Ready
Our Lord is adamant that we remain prepared for His Spirt to Arise in our present state of Body-Mind-and Soul. Our Lord may send out foot soldiers or sweet inspirations for people to make ready their passage. Whatever channel He chooses is sure to embrace the persons soul that is yearning for Love. There’s no need to take extreme action or make abrupt changes since God arranged for the resulting conversion.
Staying Move-In-Ready simply means open His Living Words that preclude all meaningful emotions toward Jesus, the Redeemer. The Spirit-of-Christ is bold and mindful of everyone’s past; but how does His spirit ready a Body for Renovation. Most folks yearn for acceptance but lack humility. Through strategic word and sincere interaction, the Love-of-Christ humbles the individual for their Journey-toward-Salvation.
The woman was surprised, for Jews refuse to have anything to do with Samaritans. She said to Jesus, “You are a Jew, and I am a Samaritan woman. Why are you asking me for a drink?” Jesus replied, “If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water.”
“But sir, you don’t have a rope or a bucket,” she said, “and this well is very deep. Where would you get this living water? And besides, do you think you’re greater than our ancestor Jacob, who gave us this well? How can you offer better water than he and his sons and his animals enjoyed?”
Jesus replied, “Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.”“Please, sir,” the woman said, “give me this water! Then I’ll never be thirsty again, and I won’t have to come here to get water.”“Go and get your husband,” Jesus told her.“I don’t have a husband,” the woman replied.
Jesus said, “You’re right! You don’t have a husband—for you have had five husbands, and you aren’t even married to the man you’re living with now. You certainly spoke the truth!” (John 4:9-18 NLT)
The gifts God has in store for those prepared and readied are eternal; vibrantly living inside one’s soul is His Loving-Grace; His mercy that begins at birth and continues to develop until set free. Preparing for our Lord’s call takes Faith, a desire beyond human imagination springs forward to become One in the Lord. Through Jesus a marvelous Truth takes root filling the Body, Mind and Soul with everlasting streams of Salvation.