Witness, Teach, and Inspire His Living Words: Through a Ray of Sunshine, Jesus
Twenty generations past, God sowed into being Jesus to Witness, Teach, and Inspire His Living Words; you can experience His mysteries in many arenas, Thanks for coming here. Today there’s a riveting verse to Sermonize from our collection of novels. It was originally written back in 1888 for those who dabble into controversy, it goes like this.
“If God has granted to His children Promise of Grace and Protection, it is because there are mighty agencies of evil to be met—agencies numerous, determined, and untiring, of whose malignity and power none can safely be ignorant or unheeding.”[1] Evil Spirits are and have been in existence since Satan’s Fall from heaven. Jesus Battled them in desert settings, Rebuked them, and even drowned them in Legions. That is why Evil Spirits conspired to Kill our Lord.
A multitude of Evil Doers gathered together and murdered Jesus; Son of God, King of Christendom. Little did they know that Jesus would not only return, but later send the Consoler, whom Christians access repeatedly through Jesus, Guardian Angels, and Ministers of Word. Through a Ray of Sunshine, Powerful Storm, or a Wisp of Wind the Comforter can quiet agencies of evil; if someone but utter the God-Man’s name, Jesus.
“But merciless wrath assailed the wicked until the end, for God knew beforehand what they were yet to do: That though they themselves had agreed to the departure and had anxiously sent them on their way, they would regret it and pursue them.
For while they were still engaged in funeral rites and mourning at the burials of the dead, They adopted another senseless plan: those whom they had driven out with entreaties they now pursued as fugitives.
For a compulsion appropriate to this ending drew them on, and made them forget what had befallen them, That they might complete the torments of their punishment, and your people might experience a glorious* journey while those others met an extraordinary death. For all creation, in its several kinds, was being made over anew, serving your commands, that your children might be preserved unharmed.” (Wisdom 19:1-6 NABRE)
A Dominium of Believers search for Freedom from Evil, but total isolation is counterproductive. So God has a plan for those He Loves; His design grows whenever Scripture is shared between two or more gathered in Faith. Soon you will witness even more profound Acts of Spirit through His Living Truth.
[1] White, Ellen. “Agency of Evil Spirits.” The Great Controversy. 4th ed. Mountain View, Ca.: Pacific, 1950. 513. Print.