Friends and Neighbors you are free: to feel Alive and Free!
To begin today’s Meditation, please join me with an emphatic, Good Day God! Our Lord loves a joyful Greeting just like you and I Love to feel Free. Being free is a long way from feeling Free. Being able to let go of burden, anxiety, or sin is a Godsend. Life is full of liabilities created by society that occupy Time and Money. Humans develop nervous apprehension when their supply of cash or time runs low.
Setting yourself free from inequity is not an easy task. Jesus found no justice in society, but was freed from injustice through Prayer & Mediation. Friends and Neighbors you are free to Release and Share life’s burdens anytime or anyplace with God through Jesus Christ. Only life in the Holy Spirit grant you true Freedom!
“Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything.” (James 1:1-4 NLT)
Christ had the strongest character ever to overcome Anxiety, Sorrow, and Affliction. But He did it through the Holy Spirit and God. God grew Jesus so Bold and Beautiful that right now, this instant, His Son can release ANY soul from the Burdens of Life; and believe me Brethren now’s the Time to feel Alive and Free.