After Confiding with Frien-amies Remember: there will always be One to confide in; God
After Hoping, Scoping, and Wanting to be free, have you been set free? The doors of Justice are open, the Keys to Salvation are at hand, and each Tabernacle echoes reprieve. But absolution is not without Truth. Some shun the facts rather than run to the Son; they keep Suppressing rather than Empowering. Come sit alone contemplating a new direction, visualize a New Era without pain or retort.
Peace is powerful. Do You yearn for Freedom having lied about the Past? People can excel in the Living Truth, were our Lord’s hand prevails because there are no bounds; rather, gifts of Grace for every God fearing mind who will Enable the Blind.
“No one would light a lamp and then cover it up or put it under the bed. No, lamps are mounted out in the open, where they can be seen by those entering the house. For everything that is secret will eventually be brought to light made plain to all. So be sure to pay attention to what you hear. To those who are open to my teaching, more understanding will be given. But to those who are not listening, even what they think they have will be taken away from them.
Once when Jesus’ mother and brothers came to see him, they couldn’t get to him because of the crowds. Someone told Jesus, your mother and your brothers are outside, and they want to see you. Jesus replied, “my mother and my brothers are all those who here the MESSAGE OF GOD AND OBEY IT!” Luke 8
After confiding with Frien-amies you can be sure of just one thing, there will always be One to confide in; who is continuous as the Sand that fills the Sea. You ask, who is just? Then shun a prophets Word, Spirit, and Church by suppressing youthful minds with Self-Pretense; ode to the Children of God’s handmade for they seek understanding.