Who inspires Birds to sing, Fish to swim, and People to develop God’s will
Allot of us fear the unknown, now’s the time to leave the unknown to the Lord of Hosts who inspires Birds to sing, Fish to swim, and People to develop God’s will. In the days of NOA when floods sweep away unclean Creatures. God started a Pursuit-of-Happiness between Nature and Humanity all over again.
Prophecy follows the Faithful and its Authenticity flows through Jesus into souls who follow angels who Reproduce, Encounter, and Teach the will of God.
“So the time was set and on that day a large number of people came to Paul’s house. He told them about the kingdom of God and taught them about Jesus from the Scriptures—from the five books of Moses and the books of the prophets. He began lecturing in the morning and went on into the evening.
Some believed and some didn’t. But after they had argued back and forth among themselves, they left with this final word from Paul; “The Holy Spirit was right when he said to our ancestors through Isaiah the prophet, ‘Go and say to my people, you will hear my words, but you will not understand; you will see what I do, but you will not perceive its meaning. For the hearts of the people are hardened, and their ears cannot hear, and their hearts cannot understand, and they cannot turn to me and let me heal them.” (Acts 28:23-28 NLT)
A presumptuous St. Paul knew then what you’ve learned to be true; for the Holy One knew the future of His Living Words. Happy are those who possess the Spirit-of-Understanding. Life is better for those who Hear and Obey, See and Do-Like the Savior who called them. Accepting foresight is the only answer that MAKES CONVERTS BELIEVE HIS FLOCK IS HERE TO STAY.