You are the Reason for LOVE this Coming Year-of-Mercy

Make the Year-End count, exit freely, and close with Holiday Cheer. Peaceful meditation sets the mood for Kind and Creative celebrations. Festive Twinkling’s begin and end with a few weeks of effort; be Merciful and Mercy will find you. A Holy Angel approached a Virgin named Mary...
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Riding on the Cuff-of-Subsistence there’s Salvation through Service

Your inputs knit a Trail-of-Testimony electronically all over the world. These Sacred-Writings are now part of Society because our followers are streaming Truth and Conviction about Christ. God’s presence is eternal and every soul is called to His Kingdom, but few acknowledge it....
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Get the Most out of your Holidays; Stay Alert, and Believe Scripture

Felt Under- Siege lately? Social stigmata has dominated headlines of late; a presumptuous state of affairs has surfaced in Political, Governmental, and Religious forums. Ironically this morning I was reminded how elite rulers questioned Jesus; by whose authority did he Forgive,...
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All Creation Longs for Harmony: let’s Pray as One-Spirit for Peace

A poke in the finger can test levels of Blood Sugar, urine can reveal chemical dependency, but what’s the test for Spirituality? How does Godliness or Devotion to God make you feel? Holiday-Cheer can mean many things. An anonymous donor can save lives but be an atheist,...
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His Living Words doesn’t Trick, Trade, or Torture: but reflects Delight and expounds Truthfully

Persistence reduces tension, Prayer increases stamina, and the Trinity-of-Hope leads to success. Scripture-Meditation is a reward in itself; reflecting with others increases conviction. If Jesus were to question Your faith would He be shocked? His Father and alluring Spirit know...
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When a Son or Daughter shrieks, Life-Saving Energy sets into Action

Gregory and Shelina / / CC BY-SA Temptation can render folks speechless; overcoming the Compulsion is priceless yet Free. God listens and moves in earnest indication. When a Son or Daughter shrieks, Life-Saving energy sets into action; a Divine-Exchange is instantly...
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Christ decreed Peace over Combat, Joy over Sorrow, and Love above Hate

Visualize life from the Armchair of Christ; His Father on His left while Angels and Saints gather in exaltation throughout the World. Each mortal having something to say or share about themselves, faults or reservations about life. Life’s burdens are many. Folks angry with...
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These are my Failures….. Forgive me Earnest One

Mesmerized by the Moment? Then escape to Reality, a Veracity-of-Truth bursting forth though Curious minds and Grieving hearts. People are probing Scripture like never before, her reply is forthcoming, be patient. Wisdom shrieked across the Galaxy for thousands of years; some...
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In the Jungles-of-Management there’s no Simple and Just: be Wise and Scrutinize Peacefully

patgaig / / CC BY-NC-ND Modern Scholars are finely coming out of the Darkness into Light; is their far-reaching diplomacy True and Just? Been following University Movements lately? In today’s WSJ Opinion page there’s an article about youthful uprisings. “Demonstrations...
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The Holy One’s flouting Social-Barriers: Purifying the Globe with Youthful Yearnings for Peace

Traverse the World with Selfless-Service to God; for His kindness sends forth the warmth of a Winter Sun, innocence of a New Born, and Friends of Faith. After years of patience and fine tuning the Holy One’s flouting Social-Barriers while purifying the Globe with youthful...
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