Approach the Holy-of-Holies and Live!

  Snatch a Bundle-of-Sweetness and guide her or his Dynamism into the Brotherhood-of-Christ whose primary target is Salvation. Jesus was known to grasp mourners and heal their infliction. Religious warriors adorn the Call-of-Christ, awaken to Serve and Rectify Trespasses....
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Jesus Rising up to the Heavens Became the Yoke-of-Creation

Imagine Jesus rising up to the Heavens while His Father opened the Sky and prepared a seat at His Right-Side; a Celestial sensation like no other took our Lord into Glory. God’s Son left this world a better place. A home for Weak, a land for Brave and a world for His Spirit to...
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Spiritual Awakenings move the Heart and Soul of Human Souls

This Easter season configure a Clean-Fresh attitude. Share Scripture so the ancient text will pierce your heart and those who hear its Wisdom. Over two-thousand years ago Love and Affection rose from the Dead, ascended into heaven to await mortal appeals. Mournful yearnings...
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The Tourniquet-of-Time need not determine Fate

The Tourniquet-of-Truth need not determine Fate; addiction limits, compresses or constricts growth. Those compelled by Money, Sex, and Flamboyant behavior crave many things. Obsessions control human actions, but releasing Mania to God opens a vast stretch of time; an association...
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Your Spiritual well-being is the Composition of Life

The Anatomy-of-God keeps people on their toes. Traversed in Prayer and Psalm their Spiritual well-being is the composition of Life. Christ’s encore ushered-in New Life, welcomed refuges, and eventually established our Church. Asides from a few scares, His Unblemished resurrection...
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In a Consensus of Good and Evil where do You Tally?

  In a Global Consensus of Good and Evil where would you tally? Does that score waver or is it constant; most of us wonder a bit between Devils and Saints. Society calls this tendency Accidental or Coincidental; what’s your opinion? God granted us Free-Will, the choice...
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Repentant folks are Chosen and Saved!

The Holy One’s selection process is vast and never ending. The Lord takes human Weakness, Remorse, and Generosity into consideration; His campaign trail leads to eternity. Repentant folks are chosen and Saved! Top contenders meet His criteria beat all odds and fully submit their...
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Grace flows in Spirit, Word, and Action: be a part of His-Living-Words

This morns Quick-Memo is about Spiritual Wonders; over thousands of years millions of people have written about the Grace, Goodness and Glory of God. His Living Words bring those writings to Light. Submersed into Truth people reflect righteously, You are one of them. Whenever the...
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Apostolic realms Appear and Disappear according to Faith: propel your Song-of-Praise

  Find and Fix problems to flourish through the New Year; use your favorite Scripture Bit to entice a Friend with a flurry of Facts. Jesus celebrates each New-Birth with Hustle and Bustle. His favorite tune propels your Song-of-Praise, His Truth bundles your britches under...
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Searching the Abyss for Granny and Gramps might yield Good Spirits or Gloomy Ghosts

▓▒░ TORLEY ░▒▓ / / CC BY-SA Searching the Abyss for Granny and Gramps might yield Good Spirits or Gloomy Ghosts, but their lives are etched in windows. Openings into the past are Golden, God wouldn’t have it any other way. As far as memories recollect, their souls are...
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