Humanities Searching for Conviction are Blown-Away with Current Events

What do Green-Shoots, Pods-of-Peace and the Body-of-Christ have in common? Each bare Hope and Accord with people of Faith; humanities searching for conviction are Blown-Away with current events. Take Al Gore’s enigma in today’s WSJ: “Every night on the news now is like a...
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Approach the Holy-of-Holies and Live!

  Snatch a Bundle-of-Sweetness and guide her or his Dynamism into the Brotherhood-of-Christ whose primary target is Salvation. Jesus was known to grasp mourners and heal their infliction. Religious warriors adorn the Call-of-Christ, awaken to Serve and Rectify Trespasses....
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You’ve been Crafted from Top-Tier Elements: reignite their sweeping Spirit!

You’ve been crafted from Top-Tier elements; fixings of the Father radiate His Son and emit Spiritual-Energies. God gathers people, nurtures them to health and Reignites their Life. “Through the gospel God becomes their Father in Christ.” (1 Corinthians 4:15) As I prayed this...
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Jesus Rising up to the Heavens Became the Yoke-of-Creation

Imagine Jesus rising up to the Heavens while His Father opened the Sky and prepared a seat at His Right-Side; a Celestial sensation like no other took our Lord into Glory. God’s Son left this world a better place. A home for Weak, a land for Brave and a world for His Spirit to...
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God’s Voice; Friendly Persuasion, Divine Intercession or Call-to-Action?

God’s Voice; Friendly Persuasion, Divine Intercession or Call-to-Action? In today’s WSJ an Arc from an Angel urged me to continue last night’s School of the Word reflection. In which Garza shared an intercession with Lecto Divina. God’s word satisfies a souls Thirst-for-Life...
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The Tourniquet-of-Time need not determine Fate

The Tourniquet-of-Truth need not determine Fate; addiction limits, compresses or constricts growth. Those compelled by Money, Sex, and Flamboyant behavior crave many things. Obsessions control human actions, but releasing Mania to God opens a vast stretch of time; an association...
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By the Spirit of Hope and Numinous-Insight: waken to Serve!

Good-Day fellow parishioners, Praise Jesus, Lord and Friend of all Creation. In a Wild and Mystical world of do this and don’t do that His teachings remain the same. Waken to Serve God the Father, Love your Neighbor as yourself, and Help the Needy. And by the Spirit of Hope and...
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Repentant folks are Chosen and Saved!

The Holy One’s selection process is vast and never ending. The Lord takes human Weakness, Remorse, and Generosity into consideration; His campaign trail leads to eternity. Repentant folks are chosen and Saved! Top contenders meet His criteria beat all odds and fully submit their...
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Want Proof from the Prophet, Fiery Revelation or Truth?

Want Proof from the Prophet, Fiery Revelation or Truth beyond rebuttal? Refuters have always existed, it is human nature to question. Think back, when’s the last time you Asked, Confided in, or sought a Prophet’s answer to a dilemma. You have in your mitts a Spiritual Mystic who...
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God is Pleased to assist any Wondering Souls: He makes Amends Simple and Painless

Been born into an Outlook-of-Grace, Obliged for Life, and Living the Truth? God got a hold of you and won’t let go! Your probably on Cruise-Control with Jesus at the helm. Millions seek Divine-Recognition, their incarnation into Heaven will take a lifetime, but Spiritual-Healing...
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