Unshackled from Worldliness awaits a Body in Motion

Internet Archive Book Images / Foter / No known copyright restrictions Our Lord’s Synod of Peace thinks about you often, Prays daily, and Devotes countless hours of Adoration to forgive and receive forgiveness. In general assembly people grow in Faith through the Resurrected...
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Conversion brings Pilgrims to their Knees; it compels the Heart, and glorifies God

Waiting For The Word / Foter / CC BY Your accord with Salvation will not sever; the Messenger will not send wrongfully, for the physical memorandum made by Garza comes from the Holy Spirit for all who seek understanding. His insights are unique, a rarity that weaves Eternit...
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Charities are Necessary and Righteous, but Only Jesus can bridle the Churches Body

mira66 / Foter / CC BY-SA Charities that are Necessary and Righteous provide service to others, why they came about, or how they serve is Circumstantial. Some serve without reason or inner convictions; for it is God’s will. Misdeeds come about when Satan splits their belief...
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God Introduced Technology to even the playing fields: might You become His Blameless Decedents

pedrosimoes7 / Foter / CC BY The marvelous products of Science and Technology are created by humanity and donated by God.[1] Science helps society understand what is taking place in the World’s atmosphere; how burning Fossil Fuels and urban sprawl intensify Global Warming. Every...
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All Creation can Dance and Mingle with the Best or Worst of this World: to which do you cling

/ Foter / CC BY Look out across your neighborhood at the Lost and Lowly or those Rich and Famous, what do they have in common? Regardless how they live or how much Dinero (money) they make if their heart belongs to the Universe they lack Love. Not Passion, not Pleasure, not Sex,...
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Your Holiness shines through Sadness and Despair: God-Things happen to Honest people

Ed Bierman / Foter / CC BY Truth can be painstakingly harsh, but being reamed for False Witness or Deceitfulness brings out the best and worst of two plains, Heaven and Earth. For in paradise Angeles and Saints gather in exultation when your Holiness shines through Sadness and...
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Which camp do you rest: Pothead, Alcoholic, or Natural High Life?

t3rmin4t0r / Foter / CC BY-SA Which camp do you rest: Pothead, Alcoholic, or Natural High Life? Lord knows the line between a fine glass of wine, green-bud, and Scripture; but society needs to accept His Living Words in a sober state or unhealthy habits can form. In today’s WSJ...
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How does the Grace of God Look, Feel, or Sound like?

Celestine Chua / Foter / CC BY How does the Grace of God Look, Feel, or Sound like? A river overflowing with life, its banks lush green whose bed of stone and sand arrives on Seashores. Our Lord’s alive with and in every form of Life all at once. He respires close and personal...
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When God is recognized Father, Son, and Holy Spirit He becomes One inclusive Body

/ Foter / CC BY-NC-SA Think a minute on this phrase: “Are Human effort and Divine favor mutually exclusive?”[1] Do Rabbits jump out of hats or do they set a spell and cherish their surroundings? Do Worldly efforts produce Helpful and Sincere service to Friends and Foes as a Habit...
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God knows when to Lift up or Let down according to your Physical, Mental and Spiritual Ministers

Any Moral Statute is a thrill for a person of faith, others have problems just living day to day pleasing themselves. Sacred Decrees affect your Societal Realms Psychological and Ethical state of mind. It’s important to work inside your current state or surroundings before...
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