Strange but true, tempting but off limits, lovely but lacks affection are just a few flavors of a Spirit foot Lose and fancy Free: How does your day begin?

Strange but true, tempting but off limits, lovely but lacks affection are just a few flavors of a Spirit foot Loose and fancy Free. How does your day begin? Is there a lovely lady or handsome man across table busy Trabajando (working)? Lord knows what their Contrition might be,...
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Come Exchange the Spirit of God through Everlasting Peace

How beautiful are those who share the embrace of Christ; they are called to make their Contribution public. For those who are with Him are not against Him. They are in Union with a simple and rejuvenating Spirit of Life. Since you exchange gifts here, all who proclaim Jesus the...
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Renounce Satan: The fallen angel exists

I’ve long awaited to Renounce Satan globally amongst religious leaders and friends in Faith. Blessed Pope Francis, a Spiritual Warrior, confirmed the fallen angel exists. In a Wall Street Journal report covering an appearance at St. Peter’s Square his Eminence declares, “Let us...
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