Who Lives and Breathes the Sacraments-of-Christ?

  Since the beginning of time people asked God for Verification of His unfailing Love, His Three-Fold interest in Creation was confirmed through Jesus-of-Nazareth; whose Life, Death and Resurrection enabled Infinitive-Recovery. Truth is, Beneath-the-Heavens people are...
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Be Merciful yet Bold in the Face-of-Mulishness

Has this summer been a flurry of Fun-and-Sun; or has the World been picking away at your Good-Will? Our Lord reminds us of the precarious situations brought about by everyday people in awkward situations. Folks outside The-Way feel threatened by Grace; God’s beauty is...
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  The Power-of-Prayer brings us together, it makes the Church whole, and members realize they are not alone. A vast realm of emotion travels the Earth weighed by insecurity; folks chat with one another developing Trust until their bonds are breached. Consider what it takes...
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These are my Failures….. Forgive me Earnest One

Mesmerized by the Moment? Then escape to Reality, a Veracity-of-Truth bursting forth though Curious minds and Grieving hearts. People are probing Scripture like never before, her reply is forthcoming, be patient. Wisdom shrieked across the Galaxy for thousands of years; some...
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In case you haven’t noticed the World is revolting against Extortion, Greed, and Discrimination. All humanity deserves protection against the Forces-of-Wickedness. Global Gluttony is squeezing Life and Liberty out of your children making them Slaves-of-Sin; Tainted-Money and...
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Peace and Prosperity go hand in hand with Spiritual Renewal and Eternal Salvation

/ Foter / CC BY-NC-SA Given a choice would you Go-with-God or Run-with-the-World? Have you ever been offered a lucrative business venture and stood motionless? Vicars of Hope dream about an abundance of wealth falling seamlessly from a Money Exchange into their Congregation; in...
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Peace is a precept of Prayer, Patience, and Poise needed to serve God

nevil zaveri (thank you for 10million+ views 🙂 / Foter / CC BY Peace is a precept of Prayer, Patience, and Poise needed to serve God, the Caretaker of our Galaxy. Petitions travel continuously in Harmony and Holy ecstasy to and from Life on Earth. The fortitude of civilization...
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What Complicates whether Jesus was God’s Spirit Born into Flesh

monkeyc.net / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA Scrolling through Yahoo.com this morning the Spirit made reference to an article in the Huffington Post titled: Was Jesus the Son of God? It’s Complicated The author wrote how Scholars at various levels of religious study might answer the...
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Jesus of Nazareth once taught in Sand-Script, Healed, and Forgave in Person

Bien Venidos and Welcome to our Social Ministry; where the Way, Will, and Wonders of Spiritual Renewal take place in mega-bits of Mystical Insight. Nothings impossible for God, so everything is possible for those who live according to His Word. Worldwide waves of information are...
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This New World Wisdom can come True: if Believers like You and I to formulate in Spiritual Renewal

johnb/Derbys/UK. / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA Make yourselves available to those who question the Word of God. If there is Need, Want, or Lack of understanding do you react Pronto (quickly). Or just go along expecting someone else to invest their time or resources? If all our brethren...
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