Test the Limits-of-Life with Free-Will

Looking for another suitable Place, Parish or Person to connect Vibes with? Test the Limits-of-Life with Free-Will, your willingness to explore Divinity, or not. Ancient-Text strengthens individuals, for thousands of years souls have found their place in God’s Word. Other...
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Create What this World-Needs-Now

The only one who can Truly understand The Father is the Son, but we’re able to appreciate the meaning of Love; both Spiritual and Carnal creatures make up our Church. Christ Trusted every morsel of God’s word. He developed a New-Way of Sharing and Caring for all Creation; our...
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Having Seconds Thoughts: partner with God

Having seconds thoughts? What is taking place in your mind; still stuck in senseless activities or motive? Our Lord was adamant about making the right decision. He often prayed fearlessly into the environment where All-Creation stood in silence. Hours in Solitude are...
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Christians Connected to unsung Heroes of Truth, Justice, and Valor

Our Lord’s connected to unsung Heroes of Truth, Justice, and Valor. Today, in my preemptive corner of a West Texas Mac D’s your Spirit has drawn attention to a Maryknoll missionary named Fr. Vincent R. Capodanno; a devout minister turned Marine during the Vietnam War. Let’s...
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Reason will Prevail in a Den-of-Thieves

How does one keep Spirits-Strong despite worldly opposition, meddling friends or evil foes; keep Speaking, Meditating and Practicing biblical Truths. Humanities Romance with God never ends. His disciples resist Temptation, Forgive, and Preserve their Right-of-Baptism through...
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The Fortune of Faith Triggers New Life through Acts of Mercy

A gratuitous Ghost of God delivers us from Evil; His finest works blaze Truth, Justice, and Salvation into mortals. Humanoids are void of reality and become wicked if left uncultured. The Holy Redeemer pierces repentant souls who then inherit Spiritual-Gifts. Unique passions...
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Looking for Reason or Circumstance: let Freedom fill your Heart with Passion and Humility

Looking for Reason or Circumstance; Truth expels Delusion and overcoming Hardship takes Courage which Christ provides without cost. Our Lord hung a shroud of Dignity where there was none. He defined Morality mangled by Human Desire, and pacified His tormentors with Purpose. Our...
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Humming along our virtual Sure-Way to Heaven are Gigabits of Love, Motivation and Insight

Wonderlane / Foter / CC BY-NC Humming along our virtual Sure-Way to Heaven are gigabits of Love, Motivation and Insight that is catapulting crowds into Worship; unfortunately not all worship is Soul- Saving. Does your sweetheart Dance, Deliver, and direct Salvation? Is there any...
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Conversion brings Pilgrims to their Knees; it compels the Heart, and glorifies God

Waiting For The Word / Foter / CC BY Your accord with Salvation will not sever; the Messenger will not send wrongfully, for the physical memorandum made by Garza comes from the Holy Spirit for all who seek understanding. His insights are unique, a rarity that weaves Eternit...
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Charities are Necessary and Righteous, but Only Jesus can bridle the Churches Body

mira66 / Foter / CC BY-SA Charities that are Necessary and Righteous provide service to others, why they came about, or how they serve is Circumstantial. Some serve without reason or inner convictions; for it is God’s will. Misdeeds come about when Satan splits their belief...
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