All Creation can Dance and Mingle with the Best or Worst of this World: to which do you cling
Look out across your neighborhood at the Lost and Lowly or those Rich and Famous, what do they have in common? Regardless how they live or how much Dinero (money) they make if their heart belongs to the Universe they lack Love. Not Passion, not Pleasure, not Sex, but an intimate relationship with God. Unprecedented worries of this world lay waste to many a mortal.
Worldly noggins negate life unless they stumble into the Good Book and take Heart. Our Father can Salvage astray souls. Divinity is common to all Creation. The Trinity is a mystery of Faith recognized by God the Father, Christ His Son, and their Holy Spirit. Together they’re planning Global Salvation. That’s right, a total makeover that will bring all Souls from heaven to earth and converge at heaven’s gate, where the coming of Christ will unite all Life into One.
“While He was speaking, a woman from the crowd called out and said to Him, “Blessed is the womb that carried you and breasts at which you nursed.” He replied, “Rather blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.” (Luke 11:27-28 NABRE)
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Do you recognize Holy and Sacred testimonials? If so, your neighbors are in luck, they have fruit from which to feed. All forms of Life can Dance and Mingle with the best or worst of this World. Believers don’t live on food alone but on Living Truth shinning forth in God’s name, Amen.