Brethren, be Forthright and Dutiful, share Scripture with Vigor!
Don’t be shaken by the situation at hand, rather be thankful for the one Our Lord began centuries back. Listen to stories of Christ’s Believers; they promised that working together brings change. Each account describes why or how souls suffer in Purgatory not far from Reality, but close to Paradise.
Brethren, be Forthright and Dutiful, share Scripture with Vigor. Live at Peace with one another for it unifies Souls and lays Foundation for the Kingdom of God. Move with us to a place where Songbirds warble Melodies to Christ, King of Life. You have what it takes to become a Pillar for your neighbor’s home.
“Greet Prisca and Aquila, my helpers in Christ Jesus, who for my life have risked their own necks. To them not only I have thanks but also all the churches of the gentiles. Greet also the church that is in their house. Greet my beloved Epeanetus, who is the first fruits of Asia to Christ. Greet Mary who has labored much among you—Greet one another with a holy kiss, let all the churches of Christ greet you—
Now I exhort you, brethren, that you watch those who cause Dissensions and Scandals contrary to the doctrine that you have learned, and avoid them. For such do not serve Christ our Lord but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattery deceive the hearts of the simple; for your submission to the faith has been published everywhere. I rejoice therefore over you. Yet I would have you wise as to what is good, and guileless as to what is evil. But the God of peace will speedily crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you,” (Romans 16:3-6, 17-20 NABRE)
Recent studies shows that many Pilgrims are headed towards Recovery. Some mend crime riddled streets, others serve selflessly by paving Religious Roads through Christ Jesus. If you believe more Truth about Jesus than our ancestors did, there is Hope; for that is the way of the Cross. Jesus seeks redemption from each of us for He is the Living Word of God through which Recovery takes place.
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