Christi forms Ringlets of Hope: Spirits don’t get frozen in time!
Each day God offers a nook so our Spirits don’t get frozen in time. Time is precious and constantly fleeting, but Jesus is Priceless and Eternally begotten by His Father. Christi forms Ringlets of Hope or Droplets of Despair according to where you are in life. Angels and Saints comb the planet in search of people who cry out for Justice, gabble for Freedom, or whisper for Peace; each is perfectly in sync with their Mission here on earth.
Christianity is an expansive formation of Body, Mind, and Soul into millions of congregants. Who form a coil of curiosity for those lacking Love. Many religious are Misunderstood or Maligned because people fear their Dynamism too liberal or Service too fair; Believers often barter themselves out of Societal norms to appreciate Religious fervor. When Jesus overcame this world justice was served; His Spirit still rides the Winds of Time rewarding New Life to the Contrite of Heart.
“How can I lay a curse on the one whom God has not cursed? How denounce the one whom the LORD has not denounced? For from the top of the crags I see him, from the heights I behold him.
Here is a people that lives apart* and does not reckon itself among the nations. Who has ever counted the dust of Jacob, who numbered Israel’s dust-cloud?* May I die the death of the just, may my end be like theirs!
“What have you done to me?” cried Balak to Balaam. “It was to lay a curse on my foes that I brought you here; but instead, you have blessed them!” Balaam replied, “Is it not what the LORD puts in my mouth that I take care to repeat?” (Numbers 23:8-12 NABRE)
God blesses those who continue to walk His talk and talk His Testimonials. Scripture rattled nations with Mystery and Awe; nothing can stand the test of time like the Living Truth. Arise and walk in rhythm with the Angels and Saints of Justice and Freedom; at Peace in Christ.