Do you live in Memory of Christ?
Do you recognize a moral obligation to Warn, Remind, and Correct other brothers and sisters in Faith? Jesus often warned of the impending danger of sin; repeat offensives strangle personal Livelihoods, obstructing Spiritual Growth, and undermining Relationships. Delivering good council takes practice. Only God can provide a foundation for decency; His Spirit stirs internal acumen, and each individual accepts or rejects sound religious decor.
- jakebouma / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
In the scheme of life God Prevails; in the scheme of Death people and Disenchanted Spirits join forces to impede divinity. But Jesus came to jog our memory of His Father’s doctrine. Christ became the model for Life, Love and Living in God’s graces; He was in fact the human form of Scripture which is the bases for Everlasting Life. Do you live in Memory of Christ?
So the Apostles and church elders got together to decide this question. At the meeting after a long discussion, Peter stood and addressed them as follows: “Brothers, you all know that God chose me from among you some time ago to preach to the Gentiles so that they could hear the Good News and believe.
God, who knows people’s hearts, confirmed that He accepts Gentiles by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as He gave Him to us. He made no distinction between us and them, for He also cleansed their hearts through faith. Why are you now questioning God’s way by burdening the Gentile believers with a yoke that neither we nor our ancestors were able to bear?” (Acts 15:6-11 NLT)
Modern day Evangelists provide sound structured Sermons from which to nourish. Each day we strive to bring brothers and sisters a bit of Truth so that the Good News will one day be realized across the World. Evil Spirits need to be kept in check. Jesus recommends we use Gospel to bring people to God; through His Living Words the richness of Scripture can Save Lives.