Gather in Contemplative-Prayer: God’s plan for Peace, Truth and Harmony
There’s a swarm of folks gathering in Contemplative-Prayer; overwhelming Love for Life and Physical attraction add anxiety to everyday trials. Challenges come in every variety affecting School, Work and Recreation; God has a plan for each that will bring eventual Harmony and Truth to Life. With Christ forefront and Scripture alongside there’s sure to be Good-Times ahead. Tonight, Ask the Holy-One to contrast God’s word with your current Life-Path, keeping an open mind. Our Lord is ecstatic when it comes to Spiritual-Formations; His Living Words electrify every sensation making souls Worthy-of-Praise.
By the rivers of Babylon there we sat weeping when we remembered Zion. On the poplars in its midst
we hung up our harps. For there our captors asked us for the words of a song; Our tormentors, for joy:
“Sing for us a song of Zion!” But how could we sing a song of the Lord in a foreign land If I forget you, Jerusalem, may my right hand forget. May my tongue stick to my palate if I do not remember you, if I do not exalt Jerusalem beyond all my delights.” (Psalm 137 1-6 NABRE)
Naturally there are Peaks and Troughs in every Lifeforce; but an astute Believer remains Centered and Serves God First and Foremost. Take an assessment of ideas flowing through Society, do they contrast Peace and Prosperity or Insatiability and Conflict? Some may ask, who cares? Learning institutes help prepare folks for Careers and Carnal callings; some help the Lord fill Tabernacles with Spiritual leaders, but devout Centering-Prayer make sacred Conjunctions-Function.