Infallible Essence and Divine Culture is alive; through the Spirit-of-Communion
Jesus signals the serenity of Truth, security of Faith, and surrounding Fellowship of His Church. Every moment is an opportunity to stir His Spirit into Life; the Sanctuary of Salvation is written into Scripture. God’s sacred writings unlock signs from heaven and warnings about hell.
Men and women who Trust are attentive to one another through Jesus whose infallible Essence and divine Culture is alive; His eternal reservation never rests because our souls are weak. Contrary to what Humanity breaths out-loud the Spirit-of-Communion stirs in silence till awakened by activity.
“As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. I thirst for God, the living God. When can I go and stand before him? Day and night I have only tears for food, while my enemies continually taunt me, saying, “Where is this God of yours?”
My heart is breaking as I remember how it used to be: I walked among the crowds of worshipers, leading a great procession to the house of God, singing for joy and giving thanks amid the sound of a great celebration! Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again—my Savior and my God! (Psalms 42:1-6 NLT)
Every soul has a journey. And a great celebration awaits Converts. Both Heaven and Hell await one’s fate, will yours be Holy? Divine remedies need righteous beginnings. Like buttons, Loving smiles, and encouraging Tweets are great, sharing with a brother or sister is Surprisingly Sexy.