Is His Truth Working or Not?
God is visible in many ways; His Shapes and Forms are life itself. In the beginning, now and forever will be opportunities to see the presence of God in all Living-Things. Our Lord, Jesus Christ, became man through the Seed of God’s Living-Word in Mary. Mary chose to display His-Being inside her; a being that grew into a Man whose Truth challenged a world-in-siege. A world that condoned Discrimination, Impoverishment and Proliferation of Evil. Favoritism deprives folks of their Hopes and Dreams because God planned Equal-Opportunity.
The Holy-One was so ashamed of His fellow beings that He allowed Disease and Famine to spread. Prejudice in Ancient times was no different from Bigotry today. Our Lord taught us a better way; He shared His Wealth-of Wisdom, Instilled Justice and spread Fairness without Restriction. Are we to stand idle as History repeats itself? Can we walk, talk, and reside without being impartial any longer.
Those of you who followed our humble beginnings will have noted what the Holy One was preparing. Before Social media began our Lord used email to generate Words-of-Wisdom. He urged Garza to email scripture bits of passion that were placed in his heart. For hundreds of days our Lord consubstantiated insight with savory solicitations for others to read. Pilgrims began to share their prayers worldwide, and our Lord began to prepare platforms of communication for His-Flock to connect with the Father.
In the beginning God preached about our planet’s environment, human health, and His children of all ages. Christ urged us to speak to the children, spend time and teach them about Life, Love and God. But instead, we grew further and further apart. Families socialized via phone ate dinner apart, worked constantly, and vacationed utilizing APPs to nurture child development. I will be the first to admit that I would hand toddlers a telephone or videogame to quiet them down.
The book, His Truth in Living Words, was formatted for the working class. Those who seldom had time to talk, convert or voice God’s word. Days, weeks, and months turned into years of Divine-Intension. The Holy-One introduced Social-Media and taught scripture all throughout the world. Nations became aware of our Lord’s ideals and change did take place. Then before our eye’s darkness began to settle into everyday life. Everything our Lord was preparing us for began to unfold. Global Warming, Human Trafficking, Discrimination, Political unrest, War, Famine, Massive Storms and now Plague.
Are His Truth’s Unfolding, is society working for one another or has it become MAD. Made Aggressive and Disconnected from Faith-in-God. How many scientists have knelt before the Lord and asked for a cure for COVID-19? How many diplomats turn to God for answers rather than one another for guidance? What are the odds that God can permanently dispose of the faithless and start anew; has it ever happened before?
Much has happened since April of 2019 when it became apparent that Garza was to wed. Our Lord sent him a partner to prepare for times coming. Christ encouraged him to build a relationship of Trust, Truth and Trivia. Details of our relations were laid out and sanctified before God in Holy-Matrimony. Numerous constituents became weary of what would happen next, were you? Perhaps our Lord has challenged us today to think back, stand-upright and move forward in Faith.

Who among us Grows God’s Garden?
Then his disciples began arguing about which of them was the greatest. But Jesus knew their thoughts, so he brought a little child to his side. Then he said to them, “Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me also welcomes my Father who sent me. Whoever is the least among you is the greatest.”
John said to Jesus, “Master, we saw someone using your name to cast out demons, but we told him to stop because he isn’t in our group.” But Jesus said, “Don’t stop him! Anyone who is not against you is for you.” (Luke 9 46-50)
Christ the Messiah knew how to interact without physically touching, he intermingled with all levels of society. Children on the other hand needed to be caressed, our Lord’s embrace could set their little hearts afire. Disciples of Christ are to encourage new and exciting Platforms to Grow-God’s-Children; growing plants, animals and ecosystems can be stimulating with the right attitude.
Modern day congregations openly welcome new arrivals but are they treated equally? Or are there certain members of our community who receive preferred treatment. Nations all over the world experience influxes of people, do all countries welcome migrants as Brethren?