Praise Jesus for the Good Times to come!
Worship God with all our Body, Belief and Spirit for His rewards are filled with Transformation; this Lenten season will encourage unity and form Global alliances with people of Good-Will. Confidence in God is key to every New-Horizon, humanity THRIVE’s in Peace, Love and Divinity, but has faltered in the hands of War-Lords. The Nuclei-of-Christ are His-Living-Words, the center of Hell is Satan the Anti-Christ.
The bomb named “Satan II” prods our intellectual well being with one obvious response, who would honor the Anti-Christ with such a destructive force? I find it hard to believe any Society would pledge their alliance to a Governing-Body who lacks Common-Sense and its ensuing petulance? If you or I Governed millions of folks that survive day to day at Poverty Level[1] would we spend Millions of Rubles to make a missile that can destroy a country the size of England?[i] Will destroying another impoverished country or attacking a Nuclear Power Plant help feed or increase Faith?
A wise magistrate gives stability to his people,
and government by the intelligent is well ordered. As the people’s judge, so the officials; as the head of a city, so the inhabitants. A reckless king destroys his people,
but a city grows through the intelligence of its princes.
Sovereignty over the earth is in the hand of God, who appoints the right person for the right time. Sovereignty over everyone is in the hand of God, who imparts his majesty to the ruler.
The Sin of Pride
No matter what the wrong, never harm your neighbor or go the way of arrogance. Odious to the Lord and to mortals is pride, and for both oppression is a crime. Sovereignty is transferred from one people to another because of the lawlessness of the proud. Why are dust and ashes proud? Even during life the body decays.
A slight illness—the doctor jests; a king today—tomorrow he is dead. When a people die, they inherit corruption and worms, gnats and maggots. The beginning of pride is stubbornness in withdrawing the heart from one’s Maker. For sin is a reservoir of insolence, a source which runs over with vice; Because of it God sends unheard-of afflictions and strikes people with utter ruin.
God overturns the thrones of the proud and enthrones the lowly in their place. God plucks up the roots of the proud, and plants the lowly in their place. The Lord lays waste the lands of the nations and destroys them to the very foundations of the earth. He removes them from the earth, destroying them, erasing their memory from the world. Insolence does not befit mortals, nor impudent anger those born of women. (Ben Sira 10:1-18 NABRE)
In total transparency I’ve been drawn to today’s scripture by the Holy-One; the book Ben Sira has rarely emerged in these writings, why today? The foresight written ages ago was deliberately woken today; Lord knows this is no coincidence, do you? Let all Creation bow to our Lord, Jesus Christ who can lift us up through Prayer from the Sin-of-Pride and Oppression being casted upon Ukrainian families.