Scripture promises a Code of Creation: Talent, Wealth and Prosperity of the Masses!
Dreaming about “A path to the middle class,” should we, “complete college, acquire social mobility, or upward agility?”[1] God provides Alternative Energy, Farm-Fresh foods, and Natural Medicines to confound business autocracies who created a Central Prospect. Our Lord’s will is for everybody to spring-forth Wealth, Romance, and Happiness through spreading Gospel, not depleting Natural Resources!
Scripture promises a Code of Creation through which the Wealth of Nations can be obtained; however, elitists created superficial do’s and don’ts to limit Talent, Wealth and Prosperity of the Masses. Humans created limiting factors like Drug, Alcohol, and Sexual addictions. But Jesus came to restore peoples livelihood; His work is continuous and everlasting, Thanks be to God.
For the leader; ‘al Jeduthun.* A psalm of David. My soul rests in God alone, from whom comes my salvation. God alone is my rock and salvation, my fortress; I shall never fall.
How long will you set yourself against a man? You shall all be destroyed, like a sagging wall or a tumbled down fence! Even highly placed people plot to overthrow him. They delight in lies; they bless with their mouths, but inwardly they curse. (Psalm 62:1-5 NABRE)
Blessed are those who discover Truth. Innovative minds are constantly seeking answers. Christ will see them through the effects of Class-Coding. I implore all Ministries to Think Green, Live Abundantly, and Praise God for Upward-Mobility through Jesus name, Amen.
[1] Weise, Michelle, “Obama’s Dead-End Community College Plan.” Wall Street Journal [New York, NY] 01 13 2015, Morning A-11. Print.