Subtle Tips Toward Salvation
Electronic ministries are making history with intelligent insight, wise proclamation, and incredible foresight; His Living Words intercepts freelance congregations and contemporary religion with the Vitality of Spirit adorned to all Creation via our Lord Jesus Christ. Rocking-the-World with eye-popping Truth is our maxim; “For the Weekend Warriors of Modern Time,” is a motto chosen to engage people that can only spend weekends with their children due to the detestable Act-of-Divorce. Later our Lord included folks that didn’t share Scripture in its molecular state enough to expand their horizons without being reprimanded at work.
The ensuing Messages continue to reverberate Scripture via petitions revolving the World at the Foot of the Cross. The Holy-One’s decree rules what is written into Bits-of-Wisdom to captivate our Modern-Minds with Hope. In recent years we’ve found Divine-Energy-Levels in the oddest places worshiping the Great I AM; your fashionable ideas are of Great-Esteem in the Heavens as on Earth, rejoice and be Grateful!
The holy Spirit also testifies to us, for after saying: “This is the covenant I will establish with them after those days, says the Lord:
‘I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them upon their minds,’” he also says: “Their sins and their evildoing I will remember no more.” Where there is forgiveness of these, there is no longer offering for sin. Therefore, brothers, since through the blood of Jesus we have confidence of entrance into the sanctuary by the new and living way he opened for us through the veil, that is, his flesh, and since we have “a great priest over the house of God,” let us approach with a sincere heart and in absolute trust, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed in pure water.
Let us hold unwaveringly to our confession that gives us hope, for he who made the promise is trustworthy. We must consider how to rouse one another to love and good works. We should not stay away from our assembly, as is the custom of some, but encourage one another, and this all the more as you see the day drawing near.
If we sin deliberately after receiving knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains sacrifice for sins but a fearful prospect of judgment and a flaming fire that is going to consume the adversaries. Anyone who rejects the law of Moses is put to death without pity on the testimony of two or three witnesses. Do you not think that a much worse punishment is due the one who has contempt for the Son of God, considers unclean the covenant-blood by which he was consecrated, and insults the spirit of grace? We know the one who said: “Vengeance is mine; I will repay,” and again: It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. (Hebrews 10:16-31 NABRE)

Love and Good works are the key to Trust in the Body and Blood of Christ our redeemer; whose redemption is available to all humanity. The Living waters of Baptism infuse the Spirit-of-Christ deep within ones being to seek Sacred scripture. The outer being is washed so the inner soul can absorb the Wisdom-of-God handed down over Generations-of-Witnesses. During this season of Lent the Holy-Spirit is on a quest to conquer evil with the Written-Truth about Jesus the Christ through which the Newfound and Alive Way toward Salvation Will-be-Done!