Which camp do you rest: Pothead, Alcoholic, or Natural High Life?
- t3rmin4t0r / Foter / CC BY-SA
Which camp do you rest: Pothead, Alcoholic, or Natural High Life? Lord knows the line between a fine glass of wine, green-bud, and Scripture; but society needs to accept His Living Words in a sober state or unhealthy habits can form. In today’s WSJ there’s a report on Marijuana use rising on campus. “Nearly 6% of college student Smoke-Dope (chupa grifa) daily or whenever they can.”[1] My experience with pot, a long and ludicrous one, can be summed up in a few words; what can be done on DOPE? What would Jesus have His followers do?
Do you think Christ would roll a duby (Blunt or Toque) before studying Scripture, Meditating, or Crafting Furniture? Imagine Jesus sending His Apostles out to harvest a Marijuana Patch instead of Fishing for People. I challenge researchers to do the same study in emerging nations where students want to learn Not to Burn. During my two-month stay in Nicaragua I might have smelled pot once or twice in cities; here at home in public arenas, food establishments, or campuses people are clouding-up my air daily.
“Prepare your shields, and advance into battle! Harness the horses, and mount the stallions. Take your positions. Put on your helmets. Sharpen your spears, and prepare your armor. But what do I see?
The Egyptian army flees in terror. The bravest of its fighting men run without a backward lance. They are terrorized at every turn,” says the Lord. “The swiftest runners cannot flee; the mightiest warriors cannot escape. By the Euphrates River to the north, they stumble and fall.” (Jerimiah 46:3-6 NLT)
Maybe here in the U.S. the bravest of men and women are paranoid, loaded or just buzzed enough to let the rest of the World be God’s spokespeople. Go ahead ask your youth if they want to be swift runners focused on study and service to God or grow-pot and vegetate on Video-Games.
- / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND
[1] Kesling, Ben “Marijuana Use on Campus.” Wall Street Journal [New York, NY] 09 02 2015, Morning A-2. Print